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A poster for Antigone with cast list and info for date and time. There is an illustration of a sad looking person looking behind them. Their hair is decorative, like an Ancient Greek statue. There are flowers and tears around them along with a skull, sun, and moon. This appears hand drawn in colored pencil.

Events BarnArts presents Antigone

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By Sophokles
Translated by Anne Carson
Directed by Erin Bennett

Fridays & Saturdays, February 14-15 & 21-22 –7:30pm
Sundays, February 16 & 23 –2pm
Thursday, February 20 –7:30pm

Barnard Town Hall
115 North Rd., Barnard

Adults - $20
Students - $15

In the aftermath of a bitter war, King Kreon honors only one of Antigone's brothers with a proper burial, and forbids the burial of the other. Antigone's response kicks off a series of tragic events that challenge all in their path. Anne Carson's modern and vivid translation of Sophokles' classic Greek tragedy brings the tale of Antigone's unshakable moral compass to a contemporary world. 

Presented by a troupe of singing, dancing, juggling, clowning, kazoo-playing and ukulele-strumming local performers, this colorful production brings you a 2500 year old story of love, bravery, and injustice as you have never seen it before!



115 North Rd.
Barnard, VT 05031
United States

43.730287, -72.618424

Upcoming Events

14 Feb

Inner Seasons Women's Cirlce

12:30pm - 4:30pm

Join us for the beautiful journey of growth, connection, and renewal in the Inner Seasons Women’s Circle. Come for a single drop in session or all 5 sessions (1/31/25- 2/28/25). This enriching, supportive circle is designed to help you thrive as you honor the wisdom of nature and embrace the power...

14 Feb

Torchlight Snowshoe

4:30pm - 6:30pm

Experience a winter evening at the farm with an after-hours adventure along the illuminated Billings Farm loop. Along the way, National Park Rangers from Marsh-Billings-Rockefeller National Historical Park and Billings Farm Interpreters will share fascinating stories about local wildlife, the land’s...

14 Feb

That's Amore! Pizza and Calzone Cooking Class

6:30pm - 9:30pm

Have fun creating your own pizzas! Though award-winning Chef Ted can teach you almost anything food related, for this event he leads a hands-on pizza and calzone class. You’ll learn how to: make fresh dough make shells for later use treat toppings make sauce fashion a calzone grill a pizza, weather...

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