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Cover Bridge Half Marathon Pasta Dinner

Events Covered Bridges Half Marathon Pasta Supper


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Covered Bridges Half Marathon Pasta Supper, 3 seating , 5, 6 and 7. Local Chefs prepare sauces and pasta along with salad bar, desserts, cash bar, coffee, held at Suicide Six ski lodge. Local ingredients, all are welcome.

Load up on a community pasta dinner before running (or cheering) through some of Vermont’s most beloved covered bridges during the Covered Bridges Half Marathon. Billed as the best 13.1 miles in New England, the community race has raised more than $2 million for local non-profits since 1994. 

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Woodstock Area Chamber of Commerce

Stage Road
South Pomfret , VT 05067
United States

43.67186, -72.553902

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