Billings Farm & Museum

A scenic stroll from the Woodstock village, Billings Farm & Museum is regarded as one of the finest outdoor history museums in the country. Frederick Billings, native Vermonter known for his work as a lawyer, railroad builder, and pioneer in scientific farm management and reforestation, made his 270-acre farm a model dairy operation for farmers around the region. His farm flourished and remains as one of the oldest registered Jersey dairy farms in the country.
Get comfortable with our Jersey cows, sheep, horses, oxen, pigs, and chickens through daily programs, hands-on activities, and events. Explore the restored 1890 Farm House and educational farm life exhibits, and sample Billings Farm raw-milk cheddar, and the Academy Award®- nominee film, A Place in the Land showcase this model farm, sustained by the Billings and Rockefeller families since 1871.
Opening Hours
April - October: daily 10:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
November - February: weekends and vacation weeks, 10:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
69 Old River Road
Woodstock, VT 05091
United States