This competition’s snow joke
What: The Woodstock Flurry, Vermont's only sanctioned snow sculpture contest — free and open to all!
When: Friday, February 14th through Sunday, February 16th, 2020 (Presidents Day Weekend)
Where: The Village Green in Woodstock, VT
Get there early to watch the first carvings in fresh, towering 6x6x8 blocks of snow on the 14th, visit periodically to admire the artists’ progress and vote on your favorite, or wait till 12:30 PM the final day as the winners are announced! Be there to cheer on the victors – because they get to compete in the 2021 US National sanctioned Snow Sculpting Competition in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin!

The history of snow sculpture dates back to Michelangelo
And this year, the local match-up will be fierce. With their carving of a cow jumping over the man in the moon, The Pour Saps brought home the 2020 United States National Championship trophy with true Vermont flair (donning flannel while carrying their tools in sap buckets). Now, team members Katie Runde, Tony Perham, and Mugsy Logan are bringing their game faces to Woodstock this holiday weekend. No power tools, no coloring, only snow, art, and centuries of tradition. Just ask Tony Perham.

The “history of snow sculpture dates back to Michelangelo,” says Tony. “We respect the age-old tradition by only using hand tools… A lot of the tools are antiques are custom made. Old cheese graters, two-man cross-cut saws.”
“Snow is one of the only mediums that make it possible to create a very large sculpture in days,” says Tony. But like many art forms, “snow sculpting is a labor of love” with its own unique expenses. Pricier customized tools may not be an option for some sculptors and participating in competitions means hefty travel costs and missed work. You can show your support by attending this year’s Woodstock Flurry, cheering on competitors, and sponsoring the teams of your choice.
This event is sponsored by Artistree, Elevation Clothing, and The Woodstock Inn & Resort.