Tips for your Wassail Weekend
- Dress Warm: Vermont winters are picturesque but chilly. Layer up to enjoy the outdoor events comfortably.
- Reserve Your Spots: For fee-based events, booking in advance ensures you won’t miss out.
- Travel Smart: Use the complimentary shuttle service on Saturday for easy access to all venues.
- Capture the Magic: Keep your camera handy for the Wassail Parade and other picture-perfect moments. Share with our hashtag to be featured! #WoodstockVT
Friday, December 13th: Kick off your Weekend
Friday is the official start of the 40th Annual Wassail Weekend. The town will be abuzz with the final preparations for the parade - only one sleep away. Get to to town early. Wassail is far more than the parade that it is famous for - Wassail Weekend is supported by tons of activities and opportunities around town. Get a head start on your Scavenger Hunt by stopping by the "Town Smiler" to learn more - the scavenger hunt lasts all weekend long, so you’ll get a good head start.
Friday, December 13th
10am-4pm Christmas at the Farm
Discover old-time traditions at a Victorian-themed celebration. Tickets are $12-$19 at Billings Farm and Museum.
10am–4pm Rare & Vintage Book Sale at Norman Williams Public Library
A bibliophile's dream. Dive into rare finds with more information at Norman Williams Public Library.
1-3pm Horse and Carriage Rides Through The Village
Revel in the holiday scenery of our community for a suggested $10 donation. Located in front of M&T Bank.
1-6pm Covered Bridge Artisan Fair
Shop locally handmade goods from Vermont makers under the iconic Woodstock Middle Bridge in an open air market.
4pm Holiday Story Time at Norman Williams Public Library
A cozy, festive, and free children’s story hour.
4:30pm Building History Tour & Organ Concert at First Congregational Church of Woodstock
Engage in the architectural and musical grace at fccw.net
4:30pm Here We Go A Wassailing
Join a candle lit walk through town led by a bagpiper, starting at East End Park and ending on The Green.
5:30 pm Hot Cider by the Fire Pit on The Green
Cozy up with a hot cider by the fire sponsored by Pentangle Arts.
7:30pm A Classical Christmas by Frisson at Woodstock Town Hall Theatre
End the day with the best and brightest classical music stars performing Christmas classics. Presented by Pentangle Arts. Tickets available for $35-$45.

Saturday, December 14th: The Heart of Celebration
Over the years from its humble beginnings; the Wassail Weekend parade on Saturday has become the core of our Wassail Celebration. Each year the town hosts events and activities that all center around the town green, where the parade circles twice. Saturday starts at 9:30AM with the Artisan and Food Market that pops up under the Middle Covered Bridge. Later in the day; the green will play host to the Wassail bar, and then as the sun sets; the luminary and tree lighting, as well as a bonfire and Christmas Caroling.
9:30am-5pm Free Shuttle Service To and From The Village
Park at Woodstock Union High School and hop on the shuttle for easy access into town. Pickup and dropoff is on River Street at the Middle Covered Bridge.
9:30-12:30 Horse and Carriage Rides Through The Village
Revel in the holiday scenery of our community for a suggested $10 donation. Located in front of M&T Bank.
10am-4pm Christmas at the Farm
Discover old-time traditions at a Victorian-themed celebration. Tickets are $12-$19 at Billings Farm and Museum.
10am-4pm Wassail Holiday Craft Fair at Masonic Hall
Do your holiday shopping with goods from over 25 local artisans. Food is also available. Located at the Masonic Hall.
10am-4pm Covered Bridge Artisan Fair
Shop locally handmade goods from Vermont makers under the iconic Woodstock Middle Bridge in an open air market.
10am Ornament Making on The Green
Bring the kids to make their own ornaments sponsored by The Rec Center (while supplies last).
10am-4pm Food on The Green
Enjoy maple creemees, empanadas, chili and more. Located on The Green and The Gore (in front of NWPL).
10am–12pm Holiday Ornament Making for Families
Craft your own ornament at Artistree Community Arts Center. Pricing: $10 adults, $5 kids under 18 at Artistree.
11am-3pm Wassail Pub
Enjoy warm adult beverages from the Wassail Pub at the Village Green.
11:30, 12, and 12:30pm North Country Chordsmen
Enjoy Acapella songs of the season throughout the village.
12pm-4pm Hot Cocoa & Donut Bar
Enjoy warm drinks and donuts at the Woodstock Inn & Resort on the Front Lawn
12pm and 1pm Ham Gillett presents A Child’s Christmas in Wales
Enjoy a lyrical portrayal of holidays past, at the Norman Williams Public Library.
The Parade and Town wide Activity Schedule the Woodstock Area Chamber of Commerce
2pm 40th Annual Wassail Parade
Enjoy live music, horse and carriages, and festive magic as the Wassail Parade travels through town and around The Village Green.
2pm Parade Watch Party at First Congregational Church
Enjoy Hot Wassail Drinks & DIY S’mores at the First Congregational Church during the Wassail Parade.
3pm Yule Log & Memory Tree Lighting with Caroling on the Green
Stay warm by the bonfire and enjoy music on The Green
3pm Wrensong Presents Songs of the Season
Enjoy holiday music from this acapella group in the Mezzanine at the Norman Williams Public Library.
3pm 24th Annual Holiday Concert featuring The Ten Acapella Group
Enjoy this free holiday concert with music from the Ten Acapella group at First Congregational Church.
4:15pm Lighting of the Luminaries by Woodstock Rotary
Welcome the spirit of the season as the Woodstock Rotary lights 400 Luminaries on The Village Green.
6pm BarnArts “Holiday Cabaret” at Barnard Town Hall
An elegant evening of dinner and dance. Tickets available from BarnArts.
7pm Christmas Community Jazz Concert at Artistree
Celebrate the season with a joyous evening of music and togetherness. Tickets are $25 from Artistree.
7:30–9:30pm Pentangle Arts presents The Empty Pockets at Town Hall Theater
Americana, folk, and rock ‘n’ roll spiked with roots soul. A night of harmonic bliss. Tickets are $25-$35 available from Pentagle.

Sunday, December 15th: Looking forward to the Season Ahead
Sunday is rich with the enduring customs of a Victorian Christmas at the Billings Farm & Museum and the playful cheer of skating with Santa at Union Arena. As the weekend draws to a close, gather for cookies and cupcakes with Santa and the joyful children's show from Revel Kids at Town Hall.
10am-4pm Christmas at the Farm
Discover old-time traditions at a Victorian-themed celebration. Tickets are $12-$19 at Billings Farm and Museum.
10-2 Horse and Carriage Rides Through The Village
Revel in the holiday scenery of our community for a suggested $10 donation. Located in front of M&T Bank.
10am-2pm Wassail Holiday Craft Fair at Masonic Hall
Do your holiday shopping with goods from over 25 local artisans. Food is also available. Located at the Masonic Hall.
11am-12pm Cupcakes with Santa
Enjoy sweet treats and get a photograph with Santa at Town Hall Theater presented by Pentangle Arts.
11am-11:45am Skate with Santa at Union Arena
Join Santa on the ice at Union Arena.
2pm Revels Kids at Town Hall Theater
Enjoy this Sunday Afternoon Children’s show presented by Pentangle Arts. Admission is free for kids with $10 Adult Tickets.
3pm Christmas Community Jazz Concert at Artistree
Celebrate the season with a joyous evening of music and togetherness. Tickets are $25 from Artistree.
3:30-5:30pm A Fundraiser for World Central Kitchen
Please join us as we support World Central Kitchen www.wck.org. An afternoon of poetry, music, dance in the sanctuary followed by light Middle Eastern food in the social hall. 7 Church Street https://www.northchapelvt.org/
4pm Messiah Sing at Our Lady of the Snows
Listen as a world-class ensemble and soloists perform a stirring rendition of the Christmas portions of Handel’s Messiah, presented by Pentangle Arts. Suggested donation of $10.