FOR THE DISCERNING EYE: Wigren Barlow Art & Antiques
Walk down the gravel drive and enter near the gilded sign exclaiming “ANTIQUES” for 4,600 square feet of eclectic, high-end treasures new and old.

Located within walking distance of Woodstock village, Wigren Barlow Art & Antiques (established in the 1950s) mirrors the town’s charm inside and out. Vaulted, beamed ceilings straight from the house of your dreams and bright, airy rooms offer the perfect showcase for solid wood furniture, tabletop treasures, dining tables dressed to the nines, and more – all lit by a grand crystal chandelier.
- Address: 29 Pleasant St, Woodstock, VT
- Hours: Monday through Friday: 11 AM – 4 PM, Saturday: 10 AM – 4 PM, Sunday 12 – 3 PM
- Items for Sale: Large and small furniture, lighting, art, accent pieces, collectibles, outdoor accents and furniture, table settings, antique tools, books, mirrors
- Favorite Unique Find: A wardrobe fit for travels to Narnia

for ever-changing inventory: Ellaway’s Attic
Although this shop is better categorized as a quality resale shop, this village gem is too good to exclude from our list. A favorite of visitors and locals alike, Ellaway’s Attic is known for a constantly fresh inventory of affordable finds, from comfy armchairs you sink right into to holiday decorations, collectibles, and more.

Walk through the vibrant red door squeezed between Zayas Jewlers and Sudie’s, then head up the stairs to this aptly named attic chock full of hidden treasures. To take a peek at their inventory before stopping by, visit the Facebook and Instagram pages, which are updated weekly with photos of fresh pieces. And for the extra savvy shopper, stick around for Frugal Friday, where prices are slashed on select items.
- Address: 14 Central St, Woodstock, VT
- Hours: Monday through Saturday: 10 AM – 5 PM, Sunday: 11 AM – 4 PM
- Items for Sale: Large and small furniture, lighting, art, accent pieces, collectibles, table settings, Vermont souvenirs, mirrors
- Favorite Unique Find: Horse-head bookends you can’t say nay to

for pieces selected with care: Eric Nesbitt Art & Antiques
Fine antiques and folk art are the mainstays of the collection at Eric Nesbitt Art & Antiques. Ring the doorbell, then let yourself in to this treasure trove of artwork, place settings, rugs, period furniture, and more – all at reasonable prices.
- Address: 33 Pleasant St, Woodstock, VT
- Hours: 11 AM – 4 PM daily, “when the American Flag is out, I'm open” – Eric Nesbitt
- Items for Sale: Large and small furniture, lighting, art, accent pieces, table settings, rugs, mirrors

For options galore: Vermont Antique Mall
Although this antique mall’s reputation precedes it, you won’t be prepared for this stock-pile of items large and small, mostly antique or vintage, with some new pieces peppered throughout.

Variety is the name of the game here! You’ll find a small selection of furniture in the basement and an inventory above that runs the gamut from soldier regalia to glassware, hand-hewn wooden bowls, antique cast iron cookware that’s been seasoned for decades, collectible lunchboxes, jewelry, and much, much more. Don’t worry – it’s okay to get lost in this maze of one-of-a-kind finds.
- Address: 5573 Woodstock Rd, Quechee, VT
- Hours: 10 AM – 5 PM daily
- Items for Sale: Mid-sized and small furniture, art, accent pieces, collectibles, outdoor accents and furniture, table settings, antique tools and technology, clothing, jewelry, cookware, books, mirrors
- Favorite Unique Find: A mannequin bedecked with all flavors of flair

For prestige pieces: Antiques Collaborative
This isn’t your average antique shop. First a private home, then a shopping mall, and now, home to the Antiques Collaborative, the Waterman House welcomes you with a towering three-story atrium that provides only a hint of what’s in store.

Weave your way from room to room on the first story for small items including paintings, collectibles, table settings, and even costume jewelry. Work your way up to the second and third floors, and you’ll be transported into rooms so beautifully-appointed yet lived in that you’ll be surprised not to find a hearty fire crackling in the hearth.

Every space is meticulously curated, from a room festooned with gold, caned-back furniture, and colossal mirrors to a modern, cozy space with a slick black leather sofa and mid-century accents. Quality and range are in abundance in this store – where the wares warrant some higher price tags. Whether you’re in the market for antiques or not, visiting the Antiques Collaborative is an activity not to be missed.
- Address: Waterman House, 6931 Woodstock Rd, Quechee, VT
- Hours: Thursday through Tuesday: 10 AM – 5 PM
- Items for Sale: Large and small furniture, art, accent pieces, collectibles, table settings, sterling and coin silver, jewelry, books, mirrors
- Favorite Unique Find: A miniature zeppelin kids young and old will want to take for a spin

For items that tell a story: Robert James Walsh & Company
Across the street from Simon Pearce in postcard perfect downtown Quechee, you’ll discover this house of antique treasures. Every piece exudes timeless quality: the vibrant rugs underfoot, the intricate carvings and glassware atop mid-century to antique furniture, and tapestries and art hung upon the walls – creating a space that is as comfortable and luxurious as a high-end home.
- Address: Waterman House, 6931 Woodstock Rd, Quechee, VT
- Hours: Thursday through Tuesday: 10 AM – 5 PM
- Items for Sale: Large and small furniture, art, accent pieces, collectibles, table settings, antique metal, ceramics, silver, toy soldiers, textiles, books

For a picker's paradise: Hillbilly Recycling
Your grandma’s antique shop this is not. Located right in the heart of Bridgewater, this shop is bursting at the seams with collectibles, memorabilia, antiques, and iconic Vermont pieces that are flowing out the front door!

Inside, follow a maze of pathways carved between trunks, dressers, tables, chairs, and bookcases crowded with lamps, model sailboats, glassware, woven baskets, silver trays, and so much more. There’s no question: you’ll find pieces perfect for your home at rock bottom prices.
- Address: 7289 US-4, Bridgewater, VT
- Hours: 10 AM – 4 PM daily
- Items for Sale: Large and small furniture, mirrors, accent pieces, lighting, collectibles, books
- Favorite Unique Find: Antique skis that are the perfect prop for any chalet